Wednesday, October 20, 2010

George Price, Altruism, and Reincarnation

I'll start with the last word in my post---Reincarnation.
I am alive...back from the dead in fact. It has been a while since my last post---too long, I admit. This weekend I will be compiling all my blog drafts, random thoughts, and class notes in order to play catch up with my life and with this blog.

So, that out of the way, lets talk about Altruism.

Before we selected the book for our report, I had no idea what Altruism was. Chalk it up to being uncultured or not an honor student or just a bad English student, I had no idea what it was. After some research (okay, maybe 5 minutes on I found that altruism meant "the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others"(link)

I furthered learned in my research and reading of The Price of Alturism by Oren Harmon, that George Price devised a mathematical formula describing evolution and natural selection.

We, as a group, wrote a review for the book and posted it on My cohorts also decided on their own Digital Literacy techniques for showcasing this work of art.

I decided to jump on the bandwagon and finally experiment with Woordle. I must say that I was a little put off when everyone and their mom decided to use woordle at the same time at the beginning of the year. But, once I was able to experiment with it myself, I thought it was a pretty cool concept, despite my previous inclinations.

Here's what I came up with:

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