Saturday, October 30, 2010


So we talked a couple week ago about Copyright laws, and pros, cons, etc.

I wanted to share this video that I've seen in multiple classes here at BYU. Since I'm an IT major, we talk alot about ethics and copyright because it seems to get easier and easier to violate those laws.

This video was produced by Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University. The funniest part of the video is the use of disney characters. Walt Disney is the biggest supporter of extending copyright laws, because they do not want their iconic character, Mickey Mouse, to fall into the public domain. In fact, the extension law is sometimes know as the 'Mickey Mouse Protection Act'


  1. Great video. That helped me understand much better what is meant by fair use. It is crazy to see how copyright has been extended of the years. Do you know if Disney tried to do anything to get rid of this video?

  2. That would be interesting to find out if Disney has tried to do anything about this like Dalton suggested. Its amazing that copyright laws have already been extended so much.

  3. I don't think they can do anything, because it is within the law. They used it for educational purposes and the clips are so short that they do not exceed the time restraint.

  4. This is both hilarious and completely on point. So glad that you found it! I will definitely be using this in the future as I teach about copyright and creative commons licensing. Thanks!
